Transport Chair 2024-2025

Prof. dr. Johan Woxenius

Prof. dr. Johan Woxenius (born 3 March 1967) is Full Professor of Maritime Transport Management and Logistics at the University of Gothenburg since 2008. He received the degrees of M.Sc. (Industrial engineering), PhD and associate professor/docent at Chalmers University of Technology. His main research field is maritime and intermodal freight transport, and his research covers sustainability, industrial organisation, production systems, traffic designs, and information systems. He has also published articles on urban freight, joint transport of freight and passengers and more theoretical articles on transport detours and global production systems.

He leads the University of Gothenburg's part of the maritime research and education programme Lighthouse and the research area of transport, run together with the Chalmers University of Technology. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. For the World Conference on Transport Research Society, he leads Topic Area B Freight and is also a member of the Scientific Committee. He is an associate editor of Transport Reviews and serves on the editorial boards of some other journals.

As BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Chair, he will give a series of three lectures around the topics of "Navigating in dire straits" (dates to be communicated, but the last lecture will take place during the BIVEC-GIBET transport research days).

  1. TBA: Digital transformation of liner shipping
  2. TBA: Developing the interface between ports and port cities
  3. TBA: Shipping and global supply chains: how much sand can the machinery cope with? (During the Transport Research Days 2025, which will take place in Belval, Luxembourg, on June 5 and 6, 2025)

Lecture 1: Digital transformation of liner shipping

Date and location TBA

Lecture 2: Developing the interface between ports and port cities

Date and location TBA

Lecture 3: Shipping and glocal supply chains: how much sand can the machinery cope with?

This lecture will be given during the Transport Research Days 2025, which will take place in Belval, Luxembourg, on June 5 and 6, 2025. More information on the 2025 Transport Research Days and the keynote lectures from the Transport Chair will follow soon.